We met our Father's Day campaign goal of raising $17,000! Thank you for everyone who contributed to freeing Jose and reuniting him with his daughter.
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average bond amount issued by the San Francisco immigration court in 2014.
2 in 3
detained immigrants do not receive legal representation.
Bonded out, represented immigrants are 8x more likely to win their cases than unrepresented detainees.
Bay Area Immigration Bond Fund
Every year, thousands of immigrants, many of whom are lawful residents of the United States, are arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement and warehoused in detention centers while they attempt to fight to remain in the United States.
Immigrant detention removes people from their families and communities, endangers their houses, jobs, public benefits, and healthcare, and prevents them from adequately defending their right to remain in their home. Since detention limits the opportunity to obtain high quality legal representation, it denies people the chance to make their legal case for staying in the US. Although many immigrants are granted bonds, as they are deemed to be neither a flight risk nor a danger to the community, they remain detained simply because they cannot afford to pay their bonds.
By raising money to help post bonds for those who cannot otherwise afford it, individuals are empowered to resist their deportation, and return to their homes, jobs, families, and communities while they await their hearing.
What We Do
Learn about how we are trying to fight against immigration detention and empower Bay Area residents.
The Issue
Learn more about immigration detention and how bond can be a tool for change.
Take Action
Contribute to bonding out immigrants from detention. Become a backer for our cause.
*Statistics from Northern California Collaborative for Immigrant Justice, “Access to Justice for Immigrant Families and Communities: Study of Legal Representation of Detained Immigrants in Northern California,” Oct. 2014